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CHBC Connect for January 26, 2024

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God’s Vision for CHBC: 3 Piers, 3 Pillars, and 3 Purposes

3 Pillars

Why do I rehearse repeatedly the vision of CHBC. I do it for myself. I want to stay on mission in my role as shepherd and overseer in the flock of God at CHBC. And I do so for you to be laser-focused on what God has called us to do. There are hundreds of things a church can choose to care about. There is no shortage of ministry need in OKC South Metro. We could take mission trips to thousands of places to do all kinds of ministries. Why should we do any of it, and what should be the ultimate aim? How should you decide where to invest your time, energy, and finances?

 We are convinced that the church is founded upon the 3 Piers of the Centrality of the Scriptures, the Lordship of Christ, and the Glory of God. We are convicted that the local church should be Biblically-Modeled, Mission-Minded, and Multi-Cultural. And we are committed to the purpose of Equipping Believers, Exalting Christ, and Extending the Gospel. When the work of ministry falls into that structure, then we can more easily discern God’s leadership and our involvement.

 It is a core conviction of Capitol Hill Baptist Church to be Biblically-Modeled. A biblical church is a gathering of baptized believers who covenant together around the faith and fellowship of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The church gathers publicly for the preaching of the Bible, for prayer of believers, for praise to God, for participation in the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and the proclamation of the gospel to the lost.

The church has two biblical offices. The office of pastor/elder/overseer. These men serve the church by leading through their Biblical instruction and oversight. The office of deacon leads the church by their service. Together these two offices care for the members of the body in their spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. The people who occupy these offices must meet the biblical qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5.

The church worships together and serves one another according to Ephesians 5 and Hebrews 10, as well as the many “one another” passages, according to their spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12-14 and Rom. 12-14).

 I am thankful for Capitol Hill Baptist Church and pray regularly for you to be filled with Holy Spirit and for a unity of Spirit around the gospel and the Word of God.

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Pastor Mark


If you would like to view your bulletin for January 28th please click the image below. 

To find out what is happening in the life of the church please click the image below. 



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