We believe that church membership is not only a biblical necessity and a weighty responsibility, but it is also a joyful privilege. In the New Testament, the apostle Paul established churches, appointed leaders for those churches, wrote letters to those churches, encouraged and rebuked those churches, and helped those churches plant new churches. Most of the New Testament was written by church leaders to churches or other church leaders. In other words, to be a Christian without belonging to a local body of believers is a concept foreign to God's word.
By expecting believers to gather regularly with their local church (Hebrews 10:25), God ensures that Christians have care from their pastors, hear God's word preached regularly, see the gospel depicted in the ordinances, have edification through encouragement and rebuke from fellow believers, and have a place to serve and use their spiritual gifts.
As one pastor said, "[Church] Membership is commitment with responsibility, not involvement without accountability."
Anyone is welcome to come and attend. It is our desire, however, that you would not simply attend. Instead, we want you to make a formal commitment to walk with us as a part of our church family.
If you would like to join with Capitol Hill in membership, here's how to do it:
- Get to know us. Come to a few services, meet some of our people in a Sunday School class, and get a feel for who we are and what we do.
- Take the Explore CHBC class. This three-session class allows us to introduce you to the history of CHBC, our statement of faith, church covenant, our mission, and other essentials.
- Be born again and baptized by immersion. If you have questions about what this means, or would like to be baptized, contact a pastor or the church office.
- Meet with a pastor. After you finish the Explore CHBC class, one of our pastors would love to sit down with you, get to know you, pray for you, and find out how we can serve you and your family.
- Be affirmed by the congregation. This vote will happen at one of our regular member's meetings.