Summer Wednesdays Begin Tonight!

by Pastor Mark DeMoss on June 02, 2021

CHBC – Summer Wednesdays begin tonight!

We often get questions about what our children do on Wednesday night in the summer. And the answer is that we offer a wonderful summer Wednesday night experience for everyone. Our children will have a great time each Wednesday night “Digging into God’s Word”. They need to meet in the Activity Center at 6 PM for an active and energetic time of learning truths about God from His Word.

The Student Ministry continues their Wednesday Worship experience every week, and meets in Solomon’s Porch for worship, Bible study, fellowship, and service.

Our Adult Midweek Worship will meet in the Worship Center. Pastor Mark will be the lead teacher for the Midweek Worship. The Summer Series is entitled “Viewing the World God’s Way,” and is focused on how to develop a world view on the nations, on masculinity, on femininity, on worship and music, on counseling, on education, and on art and culture.

Griefshare is a ministry to those working through the grieving process after a loved one has died. This group begins a new series on June 2 and meets weekly in Room 310.

We also offer a D-Group from Men’s Fraternity on Wednesday nights, which is included in the current study on 1&2 Thessalonians/Titus. This group meets in Room 214.

Please bring yourself, your family, and/or your friends and neighbors. There is something for everyone each week.

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

Tags: summer, wednesday night


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