Wednesday Night Update - February 24, 2021
Since the flood that occurred in our facility on February 17, we have been working to prepare to meet again for our regular schedule. I know some of the questions many people are asking is, “How and where will Wednesday night services occur?” This week will be a temporary arrangement, so please understand we intend to only need to do this one week, and then adjust to meeting spaces for the next few weeks until all the facility is back in order. There will not be entry through the main entry door or the east door this Wednesday night.
Services and AWANA for Wednesday, February 24, 2021
- AWANA – please enter through the Activity Center (Gym) doors at the south of the building, or through the doors facing north next to the playgrounds. Check in and opening ceremonies will occur inside the Activity Center (Gym). Sparks will be led to their group and handbook time through the hall. TNT will be led to their group and handbook time outside and back into the main building through the south doors. Cubbies will meet in rooms we are setting up as our temporary preschool space in the main hall. Pickup for Sparks and TNT will occur in the Activity Center (Gym). Cubbies will be picked up at their rooms.
- Student Worship – will meet in Solomon’s Porch. Please enter through the Activity Center or the north doors next to the playgrounds.
- Adult Midweek Worship and Bible Study – will meet in the Choir Suite. Please enter through the south doors.
- GriefShare – will meet in Room 214. Please enter through the south doors.
- Worship Choir Rehearsals – will meet in the Choir Suite. Please enter through the south doors.
- Men's Fraternity - will meet as usual. No change to location.
We apologize for the inconveniences this is causing, and we are working and praying that things are a little more normal by this Sunday and next Wednesday. We will work diligently to keep all of you informed. Please know that our insurance is working with the right people to treat our facility properly, to take care of the water-damaged area, interior atmosphere, and repair of our facility and contents with the utmost professionalism.
We look forward to being able to meet together again tonight and this weekend. Have a blessed day, and know we believe what it says in Psalm 24:1-2
“The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains,
The world, and those who dwell in it.
2 For He has founded it upon the seas
And established it upon the rivers.”
By His Grace and for His Glory,
Pastor Mark