Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor

Sunday, June 27, 2021, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Love Your Neighbor is a biblical command that is meant to move us away from selfishness and toward selflessness. It is our desire to see our neighbors and the nations experience the life-transforming power of the gospel. Love Your Neighbor is a simple strategy where we use our homes as places for our neighbors to come in contact with Christians who love them. It is our desire to make strangers into acquaintances, acquaintances into friends, and friends into family. Would you use your home to host a Love Your Neighbor outreach, or would you partner with another family and help them host a Love Your Neighbor outreach. We want to saturate greater metro OKC with good deeds and the gospel as we open up our lives and our homes to our neighbors.



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