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Pastor Mark's Weekly Update March 15, 2019


Who’s Your One?
On March 31, April 7, and April 14 we want you thinking about Who’s Your One? Who is the one person in your life that you know is not walking with the Lord? Are you praying for them? Have you invited them to attend Sunday School with you? Your Sunday School classes are getting ready to be hospitable to your friends and neighbors. Invite your one to church on one of these days:
March 31 – Adult Sunday School Who’s Your One?
April 7 – Student Sunday School Who’s Your One?
April 14 – Preschool and Children’s Sunday School Who’s Your One?

Voice of the Martyrs
Pray for our VOM team as they leave Monday morning for Bartlesville and the Voice of the Martyrs mission trip.

North Carolina
The dates are now open. June 15-23, 2019 is our trip to North Carolina to continue ministry to those who were devastated by hurricanes and flooding last fall. Contact Pastor Aaron Swain at , or visit this link for more information: North Carolina.

Today is the last opportunity to secure a spot on the Guatemala Mission Trip. Please pay a $125 deposit to Pastor Mark today to express your interest. Information on the trip are at this link: Guatemala.

It’s Coming! Love Your Neighbor
On Sunday night we announced that in 2019 we will not be having the Back to School Bash, but instead will be using our homes as outreach outposts within our neighborhoods. These Love Your Neighbor nights will be intentional and organized to allow you and a few other church families to have a place for your neighbors to gather to get to know one another and interact with you and your church family in a comfortable setting. You can sign up to help with Love Your Neighbor here: Love Your Neighbor.

The Bible says we are to glorify God with our bodies, even saying whether eating or drinking do all that we do to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31). Jonathan Edwards reflected on this in the following resolution, “Resolved, to inquire every night, before I go to bed, whether I have acted in the best way I possibly could, with respect to eating and drinking.”

Click here for Bulletin in Spanish

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Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Equipping... Exalting... Extending

For the Glory of God









Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Pastor Mark's Weekly Update March 8, 2019


Relentless is a Women’s Conference featuring the teaching ministry of Deanna Huff.  The conference begins on March 8, from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM, and concludes on Saturday morning from 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM.  If you have not registered, do so here now: Relentless, or go to


Time Change

Saturday night before bed set your clocks ahead 1 hour so you can be on time for Sunday School and Worship.


Lord’s Supper

This Sunday morning we will be observing the Lord’s Supper.  Come prepared under the gospel of God’s grace that God Himself is inviting us to put or feet under His table.  Through the blood of Christ we are invited to fellowship with the Father of Heaven.  What an amazing reality we experience in part each time we observe the Lord’s Supper, and we will experience in full reality at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.


It’s Coming

Sunday night at 5 PM join us in the Worship Center if you speak English, or in Solomon’s Porch if you speak Spanish to find out about exciting changes this summer, and to enjoy a sandwich fellowship to follow.  It’s Coming!



March 15 is the deadline to pay a deposit of $125 per person for the Guatemala Mission Trip.  July 5-12, 2019 is our Extend Guatemala Trip.  If you cannot go, consider giving, and most definitely be praying.  Our whole church is working to reach the people of Lo de Lac, Guatemala with the gospel.



“Resolved, to inquire every night, as I am going to bed, wherein I have been negligent, what sin I have committed, and wherein I have denied myself: also at the end of every week, month and year.”  Jonathan Edwards made this resolution to himself and God in December of 1722.  Would you resolve today to do the same?




Click here for Bulletin in Spanish

Click here for Bulletin in English

Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Equipping... Exalting... Extending

For the Glory of God



Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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