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Pastor Mark's Weekly Update March 29, 2019

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Who’s Your One?
In the weeks leading up to Easter we are encouraging every member of CHBC to consider Who’s Your One? Who’s the one you pray will come to faith in Christ? Who’s the one you pray will begin to become faithful in church? Who’s the one you pray you will have the opportunity to share Christ with, or invite to church? There are three opportunities for this between now and Easter Sunday.
March 31 – Who’s Your One? Adult Sunday School Day
April 7 – Who’s Your One? Student Ministries Day
April 14 – Preschool and Children’s Ministries Day 

Love Your Neighbor
This Summer we are taking our desire to reach and minister to the greater South OKC Metro from our parking lot to our neighborhoods. Jesus gave us a great command, “to love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:36-40). We have been asking the question, “What would it look like to do this literally?”. Instead of the Back to School Bash this summer we are asking you to be part of a gospel strategy called Love Your Neighbor. You can find out more and begin signing up to help by following this link to our website: Love Your Neighbor. Is God calling you to open your home to your neighbors? Is He calling you to help others in the church as they use their home as a place of outreach to their neighborhood? As will all mission efforts it takes the members of the church to go, support, and pray. Every one of us should be doing one or more of these as we attempt the bold move of saturating OKC with the gospel. 

April 21 is the traditional day of Easter this year. We will prepare our hearts for meditating again on the power of the resurrection starting on April 14. Sunday, April 14 we will think about Christ’s move to Jerusalem knowing He was going to the cross. On Thursday we encourage you to visit Emmaus Baptist Church during the day or evening for a self-guided walk through experience of passion week. Then, on Friday, April 19 join with Christians from around South OKC in our worship center at CHBC to worship God as we reflect on the great salvation paid for by us on the cross. Then, Easter Sunday we will be ready to celebrate the power of the resurrection. 

“Resolved, to ask myself at the end of every day, week, month and year, wherein I could possibly in any respect have done better.” (Jonathan Edwards, Jan. 11, 1723) Gospel growth is not done by us pulling up our bootstraps, but by us cooperating with the Holy Spirit as we reflect on the gospel of unmerited favor that when rightly understood causes us to desire to give our entire lives for the glory of God.

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Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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