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Pastor Mark's Weekly Update February 15, 2019


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The Voice of the Martyrs is an organization that serves with persecuted Christians around the world in closed or hostile places to Christianity.  Many of these Christians lose jobs, freedom, family, and their lives just for following Jesus Christ.  The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) uses their monthly newsletter to make believers in free countries aware of the persecution that many of our brothers and sisters face in other countries.  You can read their stories at  Each Spring Break CHBC takes a family mission trip to Bartlesville to help VOM and to learn about global Christianity.  You should consider participating this year.  The interest meeting for this trip will be held this Sunday following the AM worship service in the main Worship Center.  There are volunteer jobs for people of all ages and physical abilities.  We sleep in very nice ground floor apartments on the grounds of the VOM headquarters.  To learn more or to register, follow this link: VOM Mission Trip.



God instituted marriage as a visible picture to the world of Christ and the Church.  Godly marriages bring about human flourishing for all of society.  Healthy, Christ-centered marriages are not only good for our own families, but actually a way God-blesses the world as a whole, and as a way He puts the gospel on display for others to see.  So, on February 22 we will celebrate marriage with our annual Marriage Dinner.  There will be a nice evening of entertainment, food, and then encouragement in building healthy, biblical marriages.  For more information or to register for the dinner follow this link: CHBC Marriage Dinner.



Two Summer Mission Trip Opportunities are available.


We have made three summer trips to Guatemala, and in that time we have seen the very beginning of a church plant in Lo de Lac.  This was our dream when this all began, and each week a group of believers are meeting in a small home that is owned by Pastor Isaias on a hillside in this small village.  We believe very soon this group of believers will be able to incorporate and call their first pastor.  This summer we will return to encourage education among these poor and illiterate people. We will visit homes to bring much needed hygiene care as we present the gospel, and we will meet with these believers each night for worship and preaching.  A team of approximately 12 people is needed.  The dates are July 5-12.  Please let me know if you are interested, and plan to pay a $125 deposit per person before March 15.  Please visit with Pastor Mark or Pastor Isaias for more details.

North Carolina

We have heard from many church members that they would like an opportunity to take a mission trip that they can attend with part or all of their family.  Overseas and out of the US trips do not usually allow that opportunity.  Many of our families want to train their children in what it means to serve others for the sake of the gospel.  This summer Pastor Aaron will lead a team to North Carolina to work with Baptist Disaster Relief in clean up from the hurricanes that ravaged the East coast.  Details are being worked out and will be coming forth soon.  If you are interested in participating in this type of trip please visit with Pastor Aaron.



Live your life for the glory of God.  There is no greater calling.  If that is your heart, how can you do that today.  Consider this simple resolution from Jonathan Edwards, a pastor in New England in the 1700’s.  “Resolved, never to do anything, which should I be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life.”


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Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Equipping... Exalting... Extending

For the Glory of God


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Pastor Marks Weekly Update February 8, 2019



God has been good as we have walked the journey of my father’s passing, and having his celebration service.  There are many things God has done to show us that He is with us.  We have definitely felt the prayers of our friends and church family.  These are the moments that you realize your faith better be real, and it is a time that you see what a blessing it is to be part of a local church.  Thank you, dear church family.  So many emails, texts, and phone calls have come our way.  And many even came to Borger to be present.  What a blessed surprise!  Thank you for loving my family well!  We love CHBC and are thankful to be able to serve the Lord with you.



Are you living your life intentionally?  Do you think about living daily for the glory of God?  Jonathan Edwards as a young man thought carefully about how to make his life count most for God’s glory, not self-gratification.  To assist himself he wrote out resolutions to guide his daily thinking.  “Resolved, never to lose one moment of time; but improve it the most profitable way I possibly can.” 


Marriage Dinner

See below, or click the link to get details and register for our 2nd Annual 1 Church in 2 Languages Marriage Dinner.  God has a wonderful plan for marriage.  This is a great opportunity to bring friends or relatives that do not attend a church.  Every one who is thinking about marriage or is already married is looking for ways to strengthen their relationship.  Invite someone you are trying to invest in, and even consider paying for them to join you.


Knights For Christ – Men’s Retreat

Join us at Falls Creek for March 5-7 to enjoy fellowship and the teaching of the Shepherd’s Conference as we live stream the powerful preaching of an all-star list of pastors and preachers at Grace Community Church in Burbank, California, home church of John MacArthur.  Cost is $75, and you can register online or by giving your money to Pastor Aaron, Brian Boone, or Pastor Mark.



It is not too late to get ready for VOM.  There will be an informational meeting on February 17th to fill out forms, make payment or just find out the details.  Click the title and link to the website for more information.


Click here for Bulletin in Spanish

Click here for Bulletin in English

Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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