The Blog

Our Response to Hurricane Harvey

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Dear CHBC Family and Friends,



I am saddened, as are you, by the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.  We in Oklahoma are all too familiar with the effects of massive, destructive storms.  The hurt of these people in the greater Houston area is really close to home.  I am sure you have been wondering how you can help, and do so in such a way that allows the gospel to be the motivating factor of meeting needs.  As Christians we want to help alleviate pain and suffering in this world, and we want to be able to then share that there is a greater need and a greater hurt that is caused by sin that has already been dealt with on the cross.


Friends in need

Our friends from Lord Send Me Ministries are located in Katy, Texas.  They come each year to assist us with the Back to School Bash, and we are grateful for that partnership.  John Boaz, the director of Lord Send Me Ministries, has requested our help.  God is already blessing them with supplies and aid so they can minister directly to their community, but they need more people.  John is a member of Riverbend Baptist Church in Katy, and is a faithful gospel evangelist.  We want to respond and help our friends.

We are going to Houston
Next Thursday-Saturday, September 7-9, we are planning a trip to the Houston Area.  Travis French will coordinate our travel and work with John Boaz and Lord Send Me Ministries.  The shuttle is being made available if there are enough to go.  Work will include general cleanup of flooded areas, stocking and sorting a food pantry, and helping to cook and serve meals.  Please contact Travis if you are interested in going at 405-570-8632.  This will be a fast trip, with lots of work, but any who want to help are encouraged to go. 

Accommodations and food will be taken care of by Lord Send Me Ministries, but you will want a cot or airbed to sleep on.  If it can be left behind for other groups to use that would be beneficial as well.


Here are some things you should consider taking with you:

  • Personal Items for showering, etc.
  • Bible
  • Bedding and Pillow (cot or airbed recommended)
  • Towel
  • Snacks
  • Some personal money (gas, meals, sleep are covered)

Other items:

  • Sheet rock knives
  • Hammers
  • Pry bars
  • Gloves
  • Masks
  • Power saw
  • Work shoes or boots
  • Bug spray
  • Long sleeve shirts and pants, boots     

Give if you cannot go
You may be wondering how you can give to help with disaster relief.  Here are two options for you.  If you would like to donate money you can give to CHBC and designate that gift as “Missions-Harvey”.  We will use those gifts to support what Lord Send Me Ministries is doing, or to support what Southern Baptist Disaster Relief is doing.  Or, you can give directly to Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Efforts by using this link:


You can go to or to find out more about how Baptists come together to do disaster relief ministries.

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