The Blog

Pastor Mark Weekly Update - January 20, 2017

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Dear CHBC Family and Friends,


How can you serve a brother or sister in Christ this Sunday?  Ask that question as you prepare yourself and your children for Sunday School this week. 


Then, look, listen and love (3 L’s)!  Look at people, make eye contact, and see their joys or struggles.  Listen to what is said, and what goes unsaid.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions that probe beyond the surface.  Be interested in hearing and hurting with one another.  Love through hugs, smiles, help, and prayers. 


Take the time to pray right at that moment if possible with the person.  If not, make a quick note on your phone to pray later, and then send them a quick text message when you actually pray.  Help your children know and do these same things.  Train them to put others first and to love the church.


During the morning corporate worship gathering we will have a special guest to share a brief testimony about a very significant ministry in the Oklahoma that is changing lives and seeing people come to Christ.  You will be encouraged as you see how together we are reaching hurting and hopeless people across our state. 


You will also have the opportunity to write a note to one of our state legislators thanking them for fighting for the unborn as we prepare for Rose Day at the Capitol in February.


Sunday evening we will continue our Equip Classes. If you did not join us this past week, please come and be a part. 


We have a stewardship study taking place in English and Spanish.  This would be a good opportunity to meet members of the church who are part of the Hispanic Ministry. 


We also have a class on communication.  This would be helpful for couples, but is also a tremendous opportunity to prepare for future marriage even if you are currently in high school or college. 


Our Explore CHBC class is a requirement for membership, but is a great faith foundations class for all Christians as we discuss the subject of the gospel, church polity, church practice, and the biblical foundatons of church membership. 


Our children have Power for Kids, and a class designed specifically for their age group to choose from. 


Following the evening service we have a quarterly Member’s Meeting in the Worship Center.  We will begin at 6 PM and should be done with business on the agenda in about 15 minutes.  Guests are welcome to attend and see how CHBC functions.


Click here to view Sunday's bulletin.


Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

Pastor Mark's Weekly Update - January 13, 2017

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Dear CHBC Family and Friends,

This coming Sunday we begin the Winter and Spring Semester of CHBC Equip Classes.  This has become a vital part of discipleship ministry at Capitol Hill. 

Our 5 PM Sunday nights have become a time where the church body is able to involved in a variety of serving and learning ministries, as well as be able to reconnect in relationship with one another for one more time on Sunday evening. 

A full list of opportunities are on the website at, under the “Ministries” tab, and scrolling down to “Equip Classes”. 

One of the classes this semester is our Membership Class, Explore CHBC.  We are providing the course during the Equip Class schedule so that current members, not just prospective members, may take part as well.  The information about the gospel, the church, and CHBC will be beneficial to people who are new to CHBC, or who have been here for many years.  Of course, don’t forget about the opportunities for your children, as well as the other class choices.

When you arrive Sunday morning, I am asking that you come prepared to serve others.  Take time Saturday night to think about how you can be present in your Sunday School class, and in worship not only for what God wants to do in your life, but also for how God wants to use you to minister to others.  Arrive God focused and others centered.  That takes intentional effort.  We are naturally self-focused.  Let’s all arrive ready to prefer others over ourselves, and to make God the audience and object of our worship. 

With the potential for bad weather it is a good opportunity to remind you of the process we go through in order to determine if we need to alter our schedule or cancel any of our scheduled activities.  Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful.  Realize that these are rarely easy decisions, but we try to be thoughtful and prayerful as we consider what is best for everyone.  We appreciate your understanding of the difficult decisions we make in regards to the ever fluctuating Oklahoma weather.  Our procedure is as follows:

The Pastoral Staff will be in contact with other local churches:

  • Southern Hills Baptist Church
  • FBC Moore
  • Eagle Heights Church
  • Emmaus Baptist Church

Pastoral Staff will be consulting with:

  • Local Weather Stations
  • Buildings  & Grounds Team Leader
  • Chairman of Deacons

Decisions will be announced according to the following schedule:

  • For Sunday Mornings – decisions will be announced no later than 6:30 AM
  • For Sunday Nights – decisions will be announced no later than 3:00 PM
  • For Wednesday Nights – decisions will be announced no later than 4:00 PM

How Will You Be Informed of Changes or Cancellations?

  • Mass Text Message – sign up for alerts by sending a text to the number 81010 and putting in the body of your text message “@4bb4h”
  • Mass Email Message – visit the website at, and scroll down until you see the button “Get Email and Text Updates”; click that button and follow the instructions
  • Local Television Stations
  • Twitter – use your Twitter account to follow Capitol Hill on Twitter @chbchurch_okc
  • Facebook – follow the church Facebook page by searching “Capitol Hill Baptist Church OKC”  
  • Website –

Of course we hope the weather is great and we are able to worship together this week.  I hope you have a good weekend, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

You can download Sunday's bulletin here.

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