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CHBC Connect for August 16, 2024

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What is CHBC About?

God’s Purpose for CHBC: To be a Church that Exists for the Glory of God

God’s Mission for CHBC: CHBC seeks to Equip Believers, Exalt Christ, and Extend the Gospel

God’s Vision for CHBC:

  • We will be believers who are equipped to know God through a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, by knowing His Word, the Bible; and by knowing Him through His providential work in our past and present.
  • We will be followers of Christ who exalt the Lord by faithfully participating in the public gathering of worship, and who are committed to the pursuit of personal, practical holiness in our daily lives.
  • We will be a church that is on mission extending the gospel to our neighbors and the nations through our personal witness, our faithful giving, and our willingness to be sent to the ends of the earth on short- or long-term missions.

Ultimately, we are producing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who live by the Great Commandment and who fulfill the Great Commission.

The vision for our church is what it will look like as we are faithful at pursuing the purpose and mission of the church. It is my prayer that you catch the vision. That it becomes something you long to see in your life, the life of your family, and the life of your church family. I pray you desire it so much for all of us that you work toward it in your own life, and you pray for the rest of the church to catch hold of the vision as well.

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Pastor Mark



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