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Pastor Mark's Weekly Update

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Saturday morning from 9 AM to Noon CHBC is opening its doors to Santa Fe Elementary School to come and receive school supplies.  Our feedback from the Back to School Bash encourages us that we help many families in preparation for the start of a school year, but that students and families still need help after the Christmas break.  Santa Fe Elementary is letting their families know that we have supplies for them, and we are just preparing to be good hosts.  This is not an event, but more of a time to talk and meet some of our neighbors.  There will be some breakfast snacks, drinks, etc.  If you can come and help serve and meet some families who live near our church, please come.  Arrive by 8:30 AM.  Pray that the Lord would use the staff of Santa Fe Elementary to share the opportunity, and would work in the hearts of those who are invited to attend.



This Sunday morning, Tom Renfro, from Quail Springs Baptist Church, will be leading our worship along with our choir, praise team, and worship band.  Pray for Tom as he supplies our music need for the next two Sundays.  I will begin our new series from the book of Romans.  This will be a timely series for us, I pray you will be faithfully present to hear from the Lord.  As you attend Sunday School this week do not forget that your class is a great place for your friends and family who do not know the Lord.  Use the community of your Sunday School class to help you in being a gospel witness to the lost.

Sunday night I want to encourage you to be present as well as I will be bringing a message to help us have a spiritual health checkup.  Have you been growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord?  How would you know?  Sunday night we will take a few moments at the start of this year to see where we are and what we need to do in 2018 to continue growing in the Lord.  Don’t miss this important message.


Everyday Disciple Maker

Last Sunday I brought a message for 2018 that proclaimed the Christian life demands that we not be a bystander.  If you have not heard that message I encourage you to hear me as I preach, “No Bystanders at Capitol Hill”.  Just click on the title to hear that message.  As a way of application to that message, next Sunday evening, January 21, from 4 PM to 6 PM, we are hosting the Every Day Disciple Maker Seminar.  Taught by our own Ryan Ross, Jason Crosby, and myself, we will explore practical ways that everyday people can be an everyday disciple maker.  Power for Kids will have a special 2 hour practice, Mrs. Cheryl will have some special things planned for the children who are not in Power for Kids.  Our Hispanic Ministry will be hosting their own discipling seminar.  Church wide we are trying to prepare all of us to take seriously the call of Christ and the purpose of our church – to be Great Commission Christians who live by the Great Commandment. 

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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