The Blog

Easter Is Coming

CHBC Family and Friends,


Easter is coming.  For the world that may mean egg hunts, new clothes, candy baskets, and Sunday brunch.  For the Christian this means resurrection joy and celebration of new life in Jesus Christ.  Prepare your heart by visiting Emmaus Baptist Church on Thursday anytime between 7 AM to 7 PM for the Holy Week Experience, then attend the Good Friday Service at 6 PM at CHBC on Friday, April 19.


Easter Sunday morning attend our Easter Fellowship Breakfast at 9 AM, followed by the 10:15 AM Easter Worship Service.  This is a tremendous opportunity to invite your friends and family to join you for church.  We have an Ad on Facebook for our Easter Weekend activities.  You can like or share this Ad from your own Facebook page.  I would suggest you use your Facebook to follow CHBC on Facebook, and to share links to our worship service, like this one from Palm Sunday: Worship at CHBC, April 14, 2019.

We cannot wait to proclaim Christ is Risen!  See you Easter Sunday!


Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Pastor Mark's Weekly Update April 12, 2019


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Holy Week and Easter Sunday
April 18 - Maundy Thursday Holy Week Walking Tour- Emmaus Baptist Church
April 19 - Good Friday Service at CHBC at 6 PM
Easter Morning- April 21- 9 AM - NO SUNDAY SCHOOL - Church-wide Fellowship Breakfast in the Activity Center
Easter Worship - April 21- 10:15 AM Worship Center (English Service) and Solomon's Porch (Spanish Service)
We will not be having Sunday School on Easter Sunday so that we can fellowship together and provide a hospitable environment to our friends and neighbors who may not normally attend church. So, please invite your friends and neighbors to the Good Friday Service, our Fellowship Breakfast, and Easter Worship Service.

Partially Devoted
For most believers Acts 2:42-47 becomes a goal of what the church should strive for. You can read that passage by clicking here, or the reference above: to read Acts 2:42-47. The early believers were enjoying the blessing of God’s amazing work among them. But it did not happen apart from their sincere devotion in Acts 2:42. Those early followers of Jesus Christ were continually devoting themselves with the gathered church as the apostles taught the Scriptures, observed the ordinances, and shared life together. Often, we wonder why the power of God in our lives is not as evident as it was in the New Testament. God has not changed. He is the same God who has the power to raise Jesus and His followers from the dead. So, God and His powers have not changed. Is it perhaps that we live partially devoted lives, rather than fully devoted lives?
The mission of CHBC is to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who live by the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40), while fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Full devotion is hard to pull off with partial commitment to the local church. Make it your aim to be continually devoted to the apostles teaching (preaching of the Bible), to the breaking of bread (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper), to corporate prayer, and to fellowship (shared life of believers with one another). And then enjoy the blessing of God’s amazing work among us.

Love Your Neighbor
This Summer we are taking our desire to reach and minister to the greater South OKC Metro from our parking lot to our neighborhoods. Jesus gave us a great command, “to love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:36-40). We have been asking the question, “What would it look like to do this literally?”. Instead of the Back to School Bash this summer we are asking you to be part of a gospel strategy called Love Your Neighbor. You can find out more by following this link to our website: Love Your Neighbor. Host and Co-hosts have been assigned. They will be asking for others to provide food, canvas neighborhoods, and be on the prayer team. As with all mission efforts it takes the members of the church to go, support, and pray. Every one of us should be doing one or more of these as we attempt the bold move of saturating OKC with the gospel.

See what Jonathan Edwards said about devotion to His Christian faith in the 1700’s: “Resolved, that I will not give way to that listlessness which I find unbends and relaxes my mind from being fully and fixedly set on religion, whatever excuse I may have for it…”


Click here for the Bulletin in Spanish

Click here for the Bulletin in English

Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God








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