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Easter Is Coming

CHBC Family and Friends,


Easter is coming.  For the world that may mean egg hunts, new clothes, candy baskets, and Sunday brunch.  For the Christian this means resurrection joy and celebration of new life in Jesus Christ.  Prepare your heart by visiting Emmaus Baptist Church on Thursday anytime between 7 AM to 7 PM for the Holy Week Experience, then attend the Good Friday Service at 6 PM at CHBC on Friday, April 19.


Easter Sunday morning attend our Easter Fellowship Breakfast at 9 AM, followed by the 10:15 AM Easter Worship Service.  This is a tremendous opportunity to invite your friends and family to join you for church.  We have an Ad on Facebook for our Easter Weekend activities.  You can like or share this Ad from your own Facebook page.  I would suggest you use your Facebook to follow CHBC on Facebook, and to share links to our worship service, like this one from Palm Sunday: Worship at CHBC, April 14, 2019.

We cannot wait to proclaim Christ is Risen!  See you Easter Sunday!


Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with


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