Dear CHBC Family and Friends,
When I talk about CHBC with people I describe our church in three major concepts. We are a church founded on 3 Piers, supported by 3 Pillars, and working to accomplish 3 Purposes.
Those piers are: The Lordship of Jesus Christ, the Centrality of Scripture and the Glory of God. Those three things undergird everything we are, everything we believe, and everything we do. They are foundational to our existence, and therefore necessary to the function of CHBC as a body.
The 3 Pillars support the purposes of our church. They form a second layer of support for how we are going to go about doing what it is God has called us to do. The pillars are: Biblically-Modeled, Mission-Minded, and Multi-Cultural. We do not want to work toward our purposes in any way that would place us outside the support of those 3 pillars.
When you think about CHBC, I hope you think of it as a church on mission to Equip Believers, Exalt Christ, and Extend the Gospel. Those three phases describe the 3 Purposes of the church. They sit atop the foundational structures of our piers and pillars. The activities of the body fit within the context of one of those three purposes.
This Sunday when we gather for our corporate worship we will equip, exalt and extend, as normal. We will do so taking the Lord’s Supper, and we will do so in an expression of one of our 3 Pillars. We will be having a Church-Wide Lord’s Supper. Both the Spanish-speaking and English-speaking portions of the congregation will be together for our entire worship service. This will celebrate one component of our desire to represent the multi-cultural facet of church life. I hope you will join us as we have a joyful expression of the body of Christ, remembering our Savior’s death, burial and resurrection for every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
Don’t forget to pick up Greet and Treat Bags as you leave Sunday morning. This is an opportunity to share the gospel and CHBC with your friends and neighbors on October 31, as children come to your home Trick or Treating, or as you take the opportunity with your own children to walk from home to home and distribute these bags. Each Greet and Treat bag has a gospel tract, a flyer about CHBC, and hot chocolate.
Below is some information as you prepare to vote this week. The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma has shared this information with each Baptist Church. I am passing this on to you to help you be informed as you exercise the civil privilege and responsibility of voting.
2016 Election Explainer
The Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Committee, with research and writing assistance from the Family Policy Institute of Oklahoma, has produced a non-partisan election guide for Oklahoma voters. Churches and individuals can access the guide at: (Printer-friendly version here). In addition, the Baptist Messenger has published various articles about two key state questions, SQ 790 and SQ 792:
State Question 790
Religious Freedom for all Oklahomans—Vote ‘Yes’ on State Question 790 by U.S. Sen. James Lankford & Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb
Perspective: SQ 790 should be passed by Dr. Anthony L. Jordan, BGCO Executive Director-Treasurer
Conventional Thinking: SQ 790 A monumental state question by Brian Hobbs, Editor, The Baptist Messenger
State Question 792
First Person: SQ 792, Does Oklahoma need alcohol to be more convenient? by Jerry Ervin, Member, BGCO Ethics & Religious Liberty Committee For more information, visit