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Pastor Mark's Weekly Update - 10/21/16

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Dear CHBC Family and Friends,

Since my family and I were away last weekend, I am extra anxious for this Sunday.  During Sunday School we will be starting another Explore CHBC class, for those who are visiting and interested in membership, or at least learning more about Capitol Hill.  If you desire to meet during these next 3 Sundays for the Explore class just meet at the Media Center next to the Worship Center at 9 AM

During our corporate gathering at 10:15 we will lift our hearts in praise, our minds in learning, and our lives in service.  It is a duty and responsibility for the church to come together, but it is more than just obedience, it is a joy and blessing.  Statistics show us that as we approach the holidays that friends and neighbors are much more likely to attend church with us.  So, be active sharing Christ and inviting people to consider worshipping with us.  I am grateful to see what God is doing among us. 

Let us remember that our lives have been intentionally redeemed through the shed blood of Christ to extend the Kingdom to our Jerusalem, Judea and ends of the earth.  That means our neighborhoods and the nations are to be matters of prayer and gospel outreach.  Sundays are for mobilizing us for the mission.

We have begun to sell tickets for our annual Thanks-for-Giving Banquet.  This meal, which is held on the Sunday night prior to Thanksgiving is open to all, and is used to recognize all of the ministry efforts of CHBC and the people who faithfully serve to keep us on our mission.  Be ready to purchase tickets in the next few weeks and reserve your spot at this very popular fellowship meal for the church.  This is another opportunity to invite a friend or relative.  Purchase them a ticket and invite them to come along. 

Also, be thinking about how you will use the Greet and Treat Bags this year.  Greet and Treat bags are for you to have an outreach opportunity onOctober 31.  While children in our neighborhoods are going from house to house on Halloween, we want to be present sharing Christ and the ministry of CHBC.  The bags will have a gospel tract, a special treat, and information about the church. 

Use your home as God intended, as a mission outpost in your area of the OKC metro.  You can hand those out at your door.  You can walk with your own children and hand them out to your neighbors who are receiving trick-or-treaters.  What else could you do with them?  Hand them out at work?  Have hot chocolate or games in your driveway and give them away as a welcome gift?  Take them to your child’s school to share as a class gift?  Be creative! 

The bags will be available on Sunday October 30.  We have 750 bags prepared so don’t be shy, take as many as you can use.  Imagine 750 families hearing about Christ and CHBC on one night. 

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Pastor Mark's Weekly Update - 10/7/16

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Dear CHBC Family and Friends,


We are looking toward Sunday once again. What awaits you as you arrive for Worship this week?


We should be ready to greet one another warmly as brothers and sisters in Christ. Teachers should be ready to teach God’s Word with great patience and instruction.


Our minds and hearts should be longing for the help of expression of praise given by gifted musicians and singers to lead us into worshipful songs.


A visual reminder of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ as new believers are baptized.


A mind of devotion toward the sacred teachings of the Apostles as the Bible is not only read but taught and we are urged to take seriously its claims for our souls.


If you have not taken the opportunity to be involved in one of our evening CHBC Equip classes, let me encourage this for you. The goal of each class is to further equip us for lives of godliness.


Please consider how this might benefit you and might make wise use of your time on Sunday evenings.


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