The Blog

The Simplest Way To Change the World

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On a Sunday evening a few weeks ago at CHBC, we hosted a two-hour event that we called the Everyday Disciple Maker seminar. Our goals for that seminar were to lay a biblical foundation for why we should be making disciples and to show how the average church member can practically make it happen.

The book that we recommended everyone read was The Simplest Way To Change the World: Biblical Hospitality as a Way of Life by Dustin Willis and Brandon Clements.

But hey, we know the average guy doesn’t have time to read every book that’s recommended. So we want to help get you the best parts of this book in quick, bite-sized portions.

Each Monday for the next few weeks will be "Missional Mondays" as we think and blog about The Simplest Way to Change the World. We hope this will be an encouragement to you.

Check out some of the highlights from the first chapter.

Chapter 1: Small Things Can Change the World

1. Our homes have become retreats from the world instead of a place where mission takes place.

 “We think of mission as something that happens outside the four walls of our home – that, if anything, our homes are even a retreat from any Christian mission that we may be involved in (other than training our children to love Jesus, of course).” (p. 18)

 2. The busyness of life makes changing the world seem impossible for the average person.

“Change the world? Me? Really? I can barely get my five-year-old to brush her teeth. It’s all I can do to get myself ready and out the door in the mornings. The world’s problems are so big – what could I possibly do to make a difference?” (p. 19)

3. The home that we use to retreat from the world is actually our secret weapon to change the world.

“The secret weapon for gospel advancement is hospitality; and you can practice it whether you live in a house, an apartment, a dorm, or a high-rise. It only takes your willingness to open your home and life to others” (p. 19)

4. Hospitality starts by learning your neighbors’ names.

“How many relationships and opportunities right here at my house have I missed out on because I just smiled and waved [instead of stopping to say hello]?” (p. 22)

5. The gospel of Jesus is the source of power and motivation for missional hospitality.

“At its core, biblical hospitality is obeying the command in Romans 15:7 to “welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you.” (p. 26)

Go meet a neighbor this week and see what God might do!

Posted by Aaron Swain with

Pastor Mark's Weekly E-Mail 02-09-18

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Always and Forever

Please use the online registration, or see a staff member this Sunday to get signed up for our annual marriage dinner.  $20 per couple will provide you with a nice meal, some musical entertainment, and you will get to hear some encouraging words regarding marriage.  Childcare is provided if you register.  The children will be fed.  Sign up by clicking on the link: Always and Forever.

Equipping Believers

One of the Three Purposes of Capitol Hill Baptist Church is to Equipping Believers to be able to follow Christ.  There are many opportunities of personal growth and discipleship available.  Our Equip Classes have become an important part of the training ministry for CHBC.  I would encourage you to not only attend, but look around for someone with whom you want to follow Jesus with.  Do you have a friend at church, in your neighborhood, at work, or in your gym that you want to be able to discuss the Bible with, and share in mutual encouragement around Christ?  An Equip class would be a great way to set aside time each week with that person.  Let the teaching ministry of the church aid you in being a disciple maker.  Invite people to Sunday School, or to Equip Classes.  To see the offering of classes for this Spring follow the link: Equip Classes.

Sunday Worship

Your walk with Christ is incomplete without gathering with the body of Christ.  Sunday worship is not an event.  The church gathered is what we see commanded and patterned in the New Testament.  We are the church, and much of the week we are scattered into the world to evangelize and make disciples.  But, each wee the body gathers to share with one another what God is doing in their lives, to rest from the weariness of living in the world, but not of the world, to corporately proclaim their steadfast belief in Jesus Christ, and to be encouraged by hearing the word of God.  Do not miss those moments of engaging the body of Christ.

 Click here to view Sunday's bulletin in English                                       Click here to view Sunday's bulletin in Spanish

Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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