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Pastor Mark's Weekly E-Mail 02-16-18

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1 Church in 2 Languages

That is the way Capitol Hill functions every day.  We are one body of believers sharing one purpose for the glory of God.  Every other month when we celebrate the Lord’s Supper we spend our worship time together.  It is always a blessing to express worship to God in two languages, and to have our entire church family together in one room at one time.  It is with great anticipation that we look forward to worshiping as 1 Church in 2 Languages this Sunday morning.

Worship Pastor Search Process

The Personnel Committee submitted a list of names to our deacons last week.  The Deacon Body met and approved the list.  From that list five names will be submitted to the church for approval, after they have been contacted regarding their willingness to serve.  Once five church members have agreed to serve if elected, then a Special Called Member’s Meeting will occur in which we can elect a Search Committee.  Continue praying for the Lord to select the right people to serve on this committee, and for His direction in the process of calling a new pastoral staff member.

Voice of the Martyrs

Every year we have taken groups to serve at the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Headquarters in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.  This trip always coincides with Spring Break for our schools.  This year the trip is March 19-21.  Details and registration are on the website.  Just click on this link: VOM.  There will be an informational meeting this Sunday after the morning service.  Payment deadlines, and a volunteer form are accessible on the website. 

Equip Classes

CHBC Spring Equip Classes started last week.  Equip Classes serve the purpose of multi-generational learning and discipleship.  Each class is designed to not only foster greater understanding of the Bible as it relates to a specific area or topic, but to bring together people of different ages from across the church family.  The classes are also a way for you to bring a lost friend, or unchurched person to begin interacting with your church family in a smaller and relaxed setting.  You can see the list of classes by following this link: CHBC Equip Classes.

Click here to view Sunday's bulletin in English                                          Click here to view Sunday's bulletin in Spanish 

Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Everyday Gospel - Penal Substitution

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Even though we may be people who have been in church for a long time and know the gospel, it can often be difficult to understand how the gospel applies to different areas of our everyday lives.

So over the next few weeks, we want to help you think through a different facet on the diamond of the gospel and how understanding it might change your life and grow you in your love for Jesus.

To begin this week, we will discuss the gospel truth of substitutionary atonement.

Substitutionary atonement is a big phrase that simply means that Jesus took our place on the cross, dying for our sin so that we would not have to, and this death brings atonement or at-one-ment with God. His life death, and resurrection reconcile us to God and restore us to a right relationship with him.

This is the foundation of our salvation and the foundational truth of the gospel. I have no greater comfort than to know that Jesus lived perfectly in my place, died in my place, and rose for me so that I could have eternal life with God through him.

On the cross, Jesus took what you and I deserved so that for all of eternity, we could get what he deserved. He took judgment and cursing so that we could get salvation and blessing.

To paraphrase John Stott: The essence of sin is man substituting himself for God, putting himself where only God should be. The essence of salvation is God substituting himself for man, putting himself where only man should be.

This is the glorious truth that the gospel proclaims! Because of Jesus, we don’t get what we deserve! We deserve death, hell, and judgment; but instead we receive, grace, love, and mercy. Because of Jesus taking my place, I am forgiven, free, and right with God!

This foundational gospel truth should lead us to worship.


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